HTC Corporation, a leading innovator in mobile and virtual reality technology, has announced that the recently launched HTC U Play smartphone will now be available in the Indian market. Priced at Rs. 29,990,the HTC U Play comes in Sapphire Blue and Brilliant Black colour options and will be available exclusively on The device is available at zero cost EMI to customers for a limited period.
The HTC U Play 5.2” smartphone comes with a 64 GB internal memory and 4 GB RAM along with 3D contoured liquid surface and a lustrous, symmetrical, curved glass construction that reflects light beautifully. It also supports additional micro SD cards up to 2 TB. Aptly labelled as the phone that is made ‘For the Playful You’ the HTC U Play comes with HTC Sense Companion1. This personal companion is always learning from you and comes with built-in voice recognition so that it’s able to respond to your voice.
Other features include HTC USonic2microphones that analyse your inner ears with a sonar-like pulse, and then adapts to you. The HTC U Play is equipped with a perfectly symmetric thin design and a unique combination of 16 Megapixel rear and an UltraPixelTMcamera technology on the front that provide vivid light, colours and details to take brilliant selfies. .