Sports Tracker Application – Keep a track of your Workouts


Sports Tracker Application

Nowadays with the busy life of city users usually are not able to give time to their physical fitness and keeping a track of your workout is equally important. Considering this fact Android has introduced Sports Tracker Application , this new Android application that will not only keep the track of your today’s workout, but a complete record of all workouts done can be kept.

It can keep a track of any type of workout like walking, running or cycling. You can exactly know the way you are following from the starting point till destination. Details like duration taken to cover the distance, average speed, energy consumed, number of steps taken, total distance travelled in total workouts etc. are tracked. The user if while using this application click images at different stops, the images automatically uploads to that destination indicating that particular spot.

Simone Chiarelli of Italyhas been using this application since December 2011 Till now he has shared more than 190 workouts on Sports Tracker.  To view complete profile of Simone Chiarelli on Sports Tracker by clicking on the link.

An android fan and A Computer Engineer who fell in love with the world of Internet Marketing. Worked on different SEO techniques for small to large Internet properties at Initial days of my Career. I am in love with my passion for Blogging and running several blogs in variety of category.

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